
When people ask what inspired me to start the nonprofit organization, The Hands and Feet of Christ Jesus, I take them back to February 2020, just before the COVID pandemic. I’ve always traveled for work and pleasure, and that month I visited Cuba, just a short flight from my home in Tampa, FL. I had heard wonderful things about the people and culture, which I found to be true. However, I also witnessed extreme poverty and isolation, far greater than in other countries I had visited.

The experience deeply affected me, and as I prayed to God, I felt Him calling me to care for His children. Initially, I struggled to fully understand the message, trying to intellectualize it, as many of us do. But after a few more trips to Cuba and opening my heart, I realized the clarity and simplicity of His message. God was calling me to act, and I became obedient to His command to care for His children of Cuba. I let go of any concerns about the outcome, trusting that God would guide the size and impact of my efforts. I simply surrendered to His will and took action.

The Hands and Feet of Christ Jesus is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization created to inspire everyday individuals to take action and serve those in need, both in their communities and globally. Through the love and compassion of Christ Jesus, we aim to be a beacon of light in a world filled with challenges. As a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization, every dollar donated directly supports our programs and services. Whether you’re donating as an individual or business, your contribution is tax-deductible, maximizing the impact of your generosity.